Spooring John Bean V2100 3D
Spooring John Bean V2100 3D

Rp 120.000.000

Bintang 0 Ulasan
Terjual : 0 Disukai : 0
Dilihat : 13 Stok : 20
- wheel allignment spooring merk john bean type V2100 3D Camera
- Version without TILT and post
- Accurate and repeatable readings in under 2 minutes
- Online connectivity for automatic software and specs updates
- Portable remote display
- Mainstream alignment features
- Easy installation and service
- Wireless remote display support with connection to many consumer devices
- Improved installation flexibility with camera beam and printer shelf connected by up to 50m long ethernet cable

Standard Equipment:
- Wheel Aligner machine
- Next generation software
- AC100 wheel clamps with 3D targets
- Electronics Shelf
- Host Controller
- Keyboard and Mouse
- Color Printer
- 22 Wide-screen monitor

Standard Accessories:
- Steering Wheel Holder
- Brake Pedal Depressor
- Colour Ink
- Jet Printer
- Wheel Chocks
- Collapse

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