Pharm CBD oil
Pharm CBD oil

Rp 1.650.000

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Terjual : 0 Disukai : 0
Dilihat : 213 Stok : 0
CBD From the Pharm

The Natural Choice

Cannabidiol (CBD) From the PharmTM is organically grown, naturally produced and extracted in whole form from flowers. That means CBD From the PharmTM is a full spectrum fully active extract not an inferior isolate product. CBD From the PharmTM can naturally build immunity, decrease inflammation & pain and can restore brain health.

With CBD From the PharmTM you can be confident that you are receiving the highest quality CBD product on the market. Each dose will have consistent potency and safety

Cannabidiol (CBD) From the PharmTM is organically grown, naturally produced and extracted in whole form from flowers. That means CBD From the PharmTM is a full spectrum fully active extract not an inferior isolate product. CBD From the PharmTM can naturally build immunity, decrease inflammation & pain and can restore brain health.

With CBD From the PharmTM you can be confident that you are receiving the highest quality CBD product on the market. Each dose will have consistent potency and safety

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